
Online Lawyer Chat: Why Your Practice Should Have a Live Chat Feature

online lawyer chat

online lawyer chat

There are more than 1.3 million attorneys currently practicing in the United States. Competition is fierce. It’s that surplus that can make the process of finding a lawyer seem difficult.

People are looking for anything to help them choose the right one among the many. Almost 70% of clients will decide on the law firm that gets back to them quickly. Other considerations include location, testimonials, and even photographs.

Here’s why incorporating online lawyer chat may be the thing that makes clients pick you over your competitors.


People who need lawyers have a sense of urgency and respond to instant gratification. The opportunity to speak to a lawyer online for free in real time is invaluable.

While online chat cannot take the place of face-to-face legal counsel, it lays the groundwork for availability. When immediacy matters, as in criminal defense or personal injury claims, a prompt connection is disarming. It helps to put your clients at ease.

Setting up a firm chat also provides your practice with efficient access to client contact information. This allows you to reach out later, even if the lead goes cold.


Because of the saturation of the legal market, it’s important to set your practice apart. A lawyer hotline online gives your practice a point of distinction.

The casual atmosphere of a text box emboldens clients to ask questions. It takes away the pressure of figuring out how to say something, as communicating via text is more forgiving than a phone call.

Seeing a chat box pop up is a relief when you can’t figure out where to start. Clients, especially those who are distraught, won’t have to wade through tabs and headers to get the information they need.

People are drawn to what’s easy. If you can make the process easy to start, people are more likely to see it through.


Setting up an online lawyer chat gives your practice the opportunity to develop a rapport before clients even step in your door. It engages clients and establishes a relationship.

Having a friendly, comforting consultation instills allegiance. Be helpful and personal and attentive to the client’s needs. It sets a good precedent for what they can expect from your practice.

Getting something for free, even something as simple as a conversation, can make people feel special and cared for.

Increased Conversion Rates

An online lawyer live chat converts web traffic into clients. It grabs their attention and keeps them from clicking away.

When people interact with a brand and have a positive experience, they’re more likely to be loyal to it. It also gives you the chance to personally direct potential clients to schedule an appointment or make a phone call. That way you can discuss things further than chat allows.

Offering Online Lawyer Chat Is a Notch Above

Anything that helps turn potentials into clients is worth taking advantage of. Online lawyer chat provides immediate feedback and distinguishes your practice. It makes the most of visitors to your site.

Are you looking for other ways to grow your legal practice? Have you considered utilizing lead generation? We can provide you as many up to date, customized leads as you’re looking for. Contact us to get started.

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