
Tylenol/Acetaminophen Litigation: Exploring the Acetaminophen Autism Lawsuit


In recent legal developments, a significant lawsuit has emerged within the realm of pharmaceutical litigation. The focus is on the potential link between acetaminophen, commonly found in products like Tylenol, and adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in children, specifically autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This article delves into the Tylenol/Acetaminophen litigation, which has garnered attention due to its potential implications for both consumers and the pharmaceutical industry.

The MDL Centralization

The Tylenol/Acetaminophen litigation took a significant turn when the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) centralized the cases into a multidistrict litigation (MDL). This MDL centers around allegations that major retailers, including Costco and Walmart, failed to provide adequate warnings regarding the potential risks of acetaminophen use during pregnancy, particularly the risk of autism and ADHD in offspring.

As of the most recent update, the MDL includes 64 cases, but it is expected to grow substantially due to attorney advertising and the common questions of fact shared among these cases. The primary focus of this litigation is on the retailers who sold acetaminophen-containing products, rather than the drug manufacturers themselves. The central questions revolve around whether acetaminophen can cause neurodevelopmental disorders, whether sellers were aware of these potential risks, and whether they adequately warned consumers.

Published Research

The foundation of the lawsuit is built upon published research indicating a potential association between prenatal acetaminophen exposure and the development of autism spectrum disorders and ADHD in children. Several studies have contributed to this body of evidence:

  1. JAMA Psychiatry (October 2019): This study found that children with the highest levels of acetaminophen metabolites in their blood at birth had the highest risk of developing these neurodevelopmental disorders.

  2. European Journal of Epidemiology (June 2021): Another study linked prenatal Tylenol exposure to a 19% increased risk of autism spectrum disorders and a 21% increased risk of ADHD symptoms in children compared to non-exposed children.
  • Furthermore, researchers from Columbia University issued warnings in 2020, urging medical professionals to re-evaluate the use of acetaminophen during pregnancy due to concerns about potential fetal neurodevelopmental impairment.

Legal Implications

While there have been longstanding concerns regarding the link between autism and certain products, such as baby food, the recent scientific studies on acetaminophen have provided a new angle for litigation. These studies have bolstered the plaintiffs’ arguments by suggesting a direct connection between prenatal acetaminophen exposure and neurodevelopmental disorders. Additionally, many medical records contain recommendations from healthcare providers to use acetaminophen for pain relief during pregnancy, which could further strengthen the plaintiffs’ claims.

Challenges Ahead

The Tylenol/Acetaminophen MDL is currently under the jurisdiction of District Judge Denise Cote in the Southern District of New York (SDNY). This choice of venue was not the preferred location for either the plaintiffs or defendants, who had different suggestions for the MDL’s location. Thus far, Judge Cote has emphasized the use of Short-Form Complaints to streamline the process, with a final decision expected in January 2023.

Leadership positions within the MDL have also been appointed, including co-lead counsel, liaison counsel, a Plaintiffs Executive Committee (PEC), and a Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee (PSC), comprising a total of 22 plaintiffs’ attorneys.


As the Tylenol/Acetaminophen litigation continues to unfold, it represents a complex and high-stakes legal battle. With the potential for tens of thousands of claims to emerge in the coming months, this case has the potential to significantly impact both the pharmaceutical industry and consumers alike. While settlements may prove challenging, the strong causation evidence presented by plaintiffs suggests that these cases could have far-reaching consequences, making it one of the most closely watched legal battles of 2023. As developments unfold, it will be crucial to monitor the progress of this litigation to understand its potential implications fully.

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