
3 Ways to Get Personal Injury Clients as a Lawyer

how to get clients as a lawyer

how to get clients as a lawyer

Are you an attorney that is just starting out and looking to grow your client base? It can be a daunting task, especially if you aren’t fortunate enough to have a well-known family name.

We’re going to discuss how to get clients as a lawyer–tips that will work no matter your area of practice–but especially when dealing with personal injury marketing. Keep reading for more information!

1. Blog Content and SEO

As of January 2019, there are more than 4.3 billion people who use the internet and that number is growing every day. Having a website is only half of the battle when it comes to these users finding you.

Whether your marketing goals include your local areas or the entire globe, you must make yourself easy to find. This can be done through search engine optimization (SEO.)

To give a simple idea of how SEO works, it involves using particular keywords that are shown to be popular and specific to your industry. When someone searches these terms, the goal is to have your website match with them, causing it to rank higher in the results, leading to more traffic to your site.

An easy way to do this is by using a blog that offers helpful content while focusing on various keywords.

2. Positive Reviews

As simple as this sounds, ask happy clients to leave a review about their experience. It has been found that 84% of people trust online reviews as much as they trust personal referrals.

A few positive reviews will go a long way in helping people make the decision to call your practice. Although you can’t make everyone happy, use any negative or mediocre reviews as a way to reach out and show others that you care about their case.

3. Go Mobile

Want another wild statistic? Almost 60% of online searches are performed on a mobile device. If you want to include yourself in this number, your website must be functional and fast on these smaller devices.

When your website is slow to load on a cellphone or tablet, you will often lose that lead to another site that works well for the end user.

Once you know your site loads quickly, be sure to have a ‘call now’ button that is easy to locate and limit any lengthy forms.

How to Get Clients as a Lawyer: Easy Said & Done

While following these tips will certainly help increase your leads, they may not solve the entire problem of how to get clients as a lawyer. Often, one of the best ways to begin earning clients is to find a site that specializes in lead generation for attorneys.

This option may cost slightly more, but you are practically guaranteed quality leads with a higher rate of conversion. Additionally, working with a lead generation site will give you extra educational information you need to find the best clients.

If you are ready to connect with high-quality clients in your niche area of the law, join our website for free!

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