
Attorney Lead Generation: How to Get 5 New Phone Calls This Week

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personal injury leads/attorney lead generation

Trying to find new leads and clients? Looking for the best attorney lead generation tips?

If you have fewer clients than you need to keep your practice going strong, it may be hard to know what to do next. Luckily, if you’re ready to get new leads fast, there are plenty of ways to do it. As long as you know a few of the best lead generation strategies, you’ll be able to get new leads more easily than you may have imagined.

Below we’ll tell you how you can get 5 new phone calls within the next week.

1. Ask For Referrals

The first thing you can do to get new leads quickly is to use referral marketing. Your current and past clients are often the best sources of new leads, so it’s a good idea to start reaching out to them.

Tell your current clients that you’re looking for new ones, either in person or using your email list. Chances are that if your current clients are happy with your services, a few of them will have no problem recommending you to their family or friends.

2. Try PPC Advertising

Another great way to get leads is to use pay per click (PPC) advertising.

As opposed to other marketing strategies online such as SEO, PPC advertising can work immediately to start getting new leads to your practice. By creating a PPC campaign, you’ll be able to get your ad displayed to people who are looking for an attorney in your area and you’ll be able to target specific keywords and demographics.

Whether you use a popular platform such as Google AdWords or you try advertising on Facebook or another social media site, PPC can be a great way to get new clients quickly and in a cost-effective way.

3. Boost Your Website Conversion Rate

If you’re serious about getting new leads, it’s important that you have a high-quality law firm website that showcases your services. However, if you already have a website and are getting regular visitors to it, it’s important that you optimize your conversion rates and ensure that people who visit your site are more likely to contact you.

Adding and testing landing pages, rewriting the copy, inserting more calls-to-action (CTAs), and making your contact page more prominent are all ways you can boost the effectiveness of your website. By making a few tweaks to your website, you’ll be more likely to get new leads quickly.

4. Get Serious About Networking

While online tools can help you get clients, sometimes what it takes is to do more networking. You may even want to attend a local networking event in your area where you can meet more professionals.

Professional relationships can be one of the best ways to improve your business and get more clients coming to you, no matter what kind of law you specialize in. The key is to be strategic with your networking and target the people who will be most likely to know your potential clients.

A divorce attorney, for example, may do well to meet more banking professionals or real estate professionals. These will be the people who their ideal clients will likely be in contact with during the process of a divorce.

Making the Most of These Attorney Lead Generation Tips

While it may seem like a difficult task, attorney lead generation doesn’t have to be impossible. By using the tips above and trying new strategies often, you’ll be able to get some great new leads and clients and will be able to keep your practice going strong.

Looking for more lead and client generation tips? Click here to learn our best tips for converting more leads into clients.

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