
Buzzworthy Items at Fall 2018’s Mass Torts Made Perfect Conference

Mass Torts Made Perfect

Mass Torts Made Perfect

The Mass Torts Made Perfect (MTMP) conference took over Las Vegas back in October of 2018, and you should have been there.

If you weren’t, you missed out on several huge new trending litigation opportunities, along with a lot of enlightening sessions covering all aspects of mass torts.

If you’re angry at yourself for missing this amazing conference, never fear! We’ve gathered the most important buzzworthy items from the October 2018 MTMP conference, and we’ll lay it out for you right here.

Litigation Opportunity: Valsartan

A lot of buzz at MTMP surrounded new litigation opportunities, one of which is Valsartan. Valsartan is a newer tort opportunity, which means you could get in on it before everyone else does.

In July 2018 the FDA recalled certain heart failure and blood pressure medications that contained the active ingredient valsartan. Certain lots have been testing positive for NDEA and NDMA, which are probable carcinogens.

The risk associated with taking medications that contain valsartan is fairly low. The FDA says no more than one in 8,000 valsartan patients could develop cancer from NDMA or NDEA exposure.

Still, while the risk may be low, the tort opportunity is still high. This is a situation you’re definitely going to want to keep following.

Litigation Opportunity: Gadolinium

Gadolinium is another new tort opportunity, this one with even more widespread potential. If you can get in on the ground floor on this one, you’ll be riding high very soon.

This is an ongoing investigation. The FDA issued new class warnings and medication guides in May 2018 relating to gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs). Gadolinium is a man-made metal that is used in around 30% of contrast dye injections for MRI and MRA scans.

GBCAs, if retained in the body for too long, can lead to serious kidney problems. People with advanced kidney failure that are exposed to GBCAs can develop a rare disease called nephrogenic systemic fibrosis.

Since this is an ongoing investigation, doctors are not yet required to give patients these new FDA-recommended medication guides. This is a huge opportunity for failure to warn claims relating to GBCA exposure. Keep an eye on this one.

Other highlights of the Mass Torts Made Perfect Conference

Some other major highlights of the MTMP conference centered around well-known tort cases that have recently been receiving very favorable verdicts. These are cases that you’re going to want to start generating leads for.

Roundup has made national headlines because of its links to cancer. California started requiring Monsanto to add cancer warnings to the labels of Roundup in 2017. In August 2018, the verdict awarding school groundskeeper Dwayne Johnson $289 million in damages from Monsanto made national headlines.

Johnson & Johnson’s talcum powder has recently shown to contain asbestos fibers. These cases have been going overwhelmingly in favor of the plaintiffs. Multiple million dollar verdicts have been handed down in 2018. This includes a staggering $4.69 billion to 22 ovarian cancer plaintiffs.

This a case you need to jump on.

Making the Most of the Information

The Mass Torts Made Perfect conference highlighted some huge litigation opportunities for your law firm. But if you can’t generate leads for these cases, then what good is the information?

Not only does Best Case Leads generate high-quality leads for your firm, but we also have plenty of tips for generating your own leads. Keep on reading our blog for more information, and win those cases!

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