
5 Signs of Hernia Mesh Failure: How to Know When it’s Time to Call a Lawyer

signs of hernia mesh failure

signs of hernia mesh failure

Hernia repair is one of the most common surgeries in the United States. Doctors perform over 700,000 hernia surgeries each year.

But that doesn’t mean that serious problems can’t arise from this procedure. Read on for a list of 5 signs of hernia mesh failure and their symptoms.

What Is a Hernia Mesh Implant?

To repair a hernia, surgeons often use surgical mesh.

A surgeon will attach hernia mesh to a hernia in order to prevent the organ from pushing through. The mesh provides a boundary for the organ as well as support.

Signs of Hernia Mesh Failure

Though hernia repairs are common, there are no risk-free surgeries. Serious and even life-threatening complications from hernia mesh failure are possible.

Here are 5 of the most common signs of hernia mesh failure.

1. Adhesions

Adhesions, or scar tissue, can easily build up around the hernia mesh implant. Sometimes, a person’s body can’t heal and remove the scar tissue.

In some cases, two organs might fuse together through the scar tissue. If that happens, the working order of both organs is at risk. Patients would need additional surgeries to fix this complication.

Another common type of adhesion is a bowel obstruction. Scar tissue from a hernia repair can obstruct a person’s bowels. Surgery is the only way to fix a bowel obstruction.

If left untreated, a bowel obstruction can tear the bowel and result in an emergency operation.

Common symptoms of scar tissue buildup include cramping, bloating, constipation, abdominal pain, and vomiting.

2. Bowel Perforation

A hernia mesh implant can also accidentally pierce a patient’s small intestine or colon. If this happens, feces can leak into other parts of the body causing a serious infection.

If this happens to you, you’ll need an emergency surgery. Unfortunately, the damage done by bowel perforation can permanent.

3. Mesh Migration

Another type of hernia mesh failure is called mesh migration. This happens if the surgical mesh shrinks or slides out of position. Often this is due to the mesh not being properly secured.

The loose mesh can shift to other parts of the body and cause problems. Plus, when the mesh moves, the hernia site is once again weak.

Common symptoms include the same hernia symptoms from before as well as pain, bloody urine, and major bleeding.

4. Infection

A common problem with hernia mesh implants is infections. An infection is an immune reaction that can become very serious.

Symptoms of hernia mesh problems from infection include fever, chills, pain, redness, and tenderness at the surgical site.

Infection can be the result of the quality of the mesh or the cleanliness of the surgical implements.

If you suffered an infection following a hernia repair, contact a personal injury lawyer about your case.

5. Chronic Pain

Pain is one of the most common symptoms of hernia mesh problems. It can be a symptom of one of the other complications on this list. Or it could be caused by something else.

A whopping 11% of all patients experience chronic pain following their hernia mesh surgeries.

Often, these patients will need another surgery to fix the mesh.

Bottom Line

There you have it. 5 signs of hernia mesh failure that you can’t ignore. if you have been the victim of hernia mesh failure, take action.

We can help you find the best lawyer to meet your needs.

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